Avadi Engines Fall 2023 Update

In the spring of 2023 Michel Arseneau stepped down as CTO for Avadi Engines and was replaced by Dimitrios Dardalis. The initial focus of the work was to bring all drawings and design files from recent iterations into a current model that could be further analyzed to determine next steps with regard to our remaining work in valve seal development. We discovered unsurmountable deficiencies in airflow with the existing rotary valve design, and determined it was necessary to redesign the engine with a different valve approach in order to meet target performance objectives.

It took a few months of research locating prior art in rotary and sleeve valve design, and Dimitrios dedicated substantial effort to familiarizing himself with all available materials on the subject. Since our cylinder rotates as a part of our design, it seemed as though it was important to utilize that rotation to serve as our valve system. However it was the concept of an outsider (a huge thank you to Mark Cherry here) for the breakthrough design that we ultimately have proceeded with. If we did not have this solution presented, we may have had to add substantial weight and friction to install a more traditional valve train. What we have accomplished is an architecture which is both elegant and in comparison to our previous direction, very simple. In addition, the final concept provides theoretical power and performance figures in line with what we advertise for this engine.

It is important to us to develop an engine that is both incredibly reliable but that can also be competitive within the drone and UAV industry. We have developed relationships with contract manufacturers and defense contractors who are ready and willing to use our technology once we have reached maturity of the engine. Our focus this fall will remain on design of the new valve system, and we intend to be in prototype and testing phase by year end.

Thank you,
Landon Wilkinson


Avadi Engines Inc.